+91-7900001109 support@lmsonline.net

Start your own Teaching Business.

Create a flawless online learning experience for your own store and launch an LMSOnline.Net  learning platform.

Launch Online Classes easily with Ready-to-Launch Online Class Templates.

Create Online Courses quickly with the Course Builder and Ready-to-Launch Online Course Templates.

Market & Sell your Courses with Online Students Registration, Payments/Fees, Lead Generation.

Deliver your Courses Online Manage Classroom, Students, Teachers and Individual Student Performance.

Start your own Teaching Business.

Create a flawless online learning experience for your own store and launch an LMSOnline.Net  learning platform.

Launch Online Classes easily with Ready-to-Launch Online Class Templates.

Create Online Courses quickly with the Course Builder and Ready-to-Launch Online Course Templates.

Market & Sell your Courses with Online Students Registration, Payments/Fees, Lead Generation.

Deliver your Courses Online Manage Classroom, Students, Teachers and Individual Student Performance.

Launch an Online Classroom for your Students & Teaching Business from Anywhere in just 4 steps with LMSOnline.Net

Launch Online Classes

Launch online classes  in minutes with Ready-to-Launch Online Class Templates.

Build Courses

Build courses in minutes with Ready-to-Launch Online Course Templates & Course Builder.

Market & Sell

Setup students enrollments, payment, & lead generation options to market & sell your courses online.

Deliver Courses

Course and start learning from online income channels.

Step 1 – Launch Your Online Classes

Choose Online Class

The online class template includes everything you need to start teaching online quickly and successfully.

Select Online Class Template & Hosting Plan

Start an online class in minutes with Online Class Templates Ready-to-Launch for multiple businesses and professionals.

Signup & Go Live in minutes

LMSOnline.Net offers a complete business solution for your unique teaching business needs right out of the box. Sign up today and get go live in minutes!

Step 2 – Build Your Courses Online

Choose Courses Template

Select the online course template that best fits your needs. Everything has already been built for you; all you need to do is modify it to satisfy the needs of your online courses.

Replace Content/Images/Video

Replace the existing content with your own Content, Images and Videos.

Launch Your Course Online

Using our Online Course Template, you can quickly and easily develop and sell multimedia-based on-demand courses.

Step 3 – Market and Sell Courses Online

Setup Student Registrations, Enrollments & Payments

Students can enroll themselves in your classes by completing an online registration form. Set up online enrollments for your teaching business, with automatic or manual payment.

Generate Leads with free & Guest Accounts

Easily generate leads and attract students With free account creation. Use Guest Login to show students sample courses.


Increase number of Students, Batches and Batch Sizes

Add up to 500 students per batch. You can start new online batches when your classes are full without having to invest money in additional infrastructure, which is required for offline expansion.

Step 4 – Deliver Your Courses Online

Delivery Recorded & Live Courses Online

Use video conferencing tools like Jitsi, Google Meet, Zoom & BigBlueButton to deliver live online courses and record sessions to create digital content for your online classroom.

Manage Classroom Online

Immediately start managing your online classroom and delivering courses using cutting-edge teaching tools such as Assignments, Workshops and Sessions, Activity report etc.

Manage Exam Grades & Certificates

Create exams with polls, MCQ, true-false, timers, and retake restrictions. Each student’s progress reports and quiz scores can be viewed and exported.

What People Are Saying

Thanks LMSONLINE.NET for helping us launch our own classes online, and thanks to the LMSONLINE.NET support team for making our launch so simple and effective.

Ravi Satam

I would like to thank you LMSONLINE.NET for helping me launch my teaching classes online, and enabling me to manage and run my classes by myself, I did not think it was possible till I worked with you guys, thanks  again!

Jenny Ferguson

What are you waiting for now?

Launch your Teaching Business Online TODAY!

Power Your Teaching Business

  • Start an online class in minutes with Online Class Templates
  • Use Online Course Templates to create & manage multimedia based on – demand courses.
  • Create in person Online Courses Templates & Sell Teaching Video with manual oe automated enrollments.
  • Student Registration & fees Online
  • Manage Students and Instructors
  • Manage student exams and grading
  • Award Certificates on Course Completion
  • Setup Course per-requisites

Empower Your Students

  • Access Course as per Convenience
  • Student Courses Area
  • Subscribe and pay for relevant Courses
  • Interact with Instructor and other Students
  • Evaluate self with quizzes, exams & receive grades
  • Certification on Course Completion
  • Access courses and course material 24x7x365
  • Access offers and discount coupons for courses.



lmsonline.net is Managed & Owned by Infinity Online Solutions LLP.

Learn More About us Here

Infinity Online Solutions LLP.,
First Floor, Vastu Deep, Jayraj Nagar, Borivali (W), Mumbai 400091, India.
M: +91 - 7900001109
Email: support@lmsonline.net